
Benefits of Using a Transportation Company with Employees

Nov 17, 2015


Benefits of Using a Transportation Company with Employees

Stay away from independent contractors; choose a transportation company with employees and get these benefits.  

  In order to keep their costs down, some transportation companies are hiring independent contractors instead of employees. This prevents them from having to abide by certain labor laws and protects them from having to pay the taxes associated with having employees. While it might make sense for the transportation company if you only focus on their bottom line, it doesn't make sense for  the consumer at all. Here are just a few of the benefits of using a transportation company with employees instead of independent contractors.
  • Coaching: When independent contractors are hired, there's an assumption that they've already been trained independently. When an employee is hired, he or she undergoes thorough training, getting support and guidance every step of the way. The result is an individual fully equipped to meet your delivery and courier needs.
  • Commitment: Independent contractors' loyalties are to themselves. Employees, however, have loyalty to their company. That means that they want to do what they can to serve their business, and that ultimately means best serving you.
  • Control: There's a lot an employer can't control about an independent contractor, from the equipment he or she uses to the hours he or she keeps. That means your delivery could easily be delayed because the independent contractor didn't plan on working when the employer has your service scheduled. Fortunately, with employees everyone's on the same page and the same schedule, ensuring seamless service for you.
We believe that you should never have to debate employees vs. subcontractors. We've done it for you, and have learned that we can better serve you by having a trained, dedicated staff of employees.  Contact  MDS Inc. in Orange County, CA  to work with our  staff of employees who are  mail delivery & custom courier service experts dedicated to best meeting  your needs.