
Don't Believe These Lies About Heart Disease

Feb 26, 2020


Don't Believe These Lies About Heart Disease

The truth behind common heart health myths.

February is American Heart Month, and a major goal of this month is educating the public about cardiovascular disease.   Another major goal of this month is dispelling the common myths surrounding heart disease.   In honor of this American Heart Month, let's debunk some common heart health misconceptions.

Myth 1: Only older people need to worry about heart disease.

Even if you are still young, it's important to understand that how you live now will have major implications for your heart health in the future.   When you are inactive, eat unhealthy foods, smoke, and have other bad habits, you increase your chance of heart disease significantly.   While heart disease is more common in older individuals, many young and middle-aged people develop serious cardiovascular problems too.

Myth 2: Heart disease runs in my family, so I can't prevent it.

While people with a family history of heart disease face a higher risk of developing a cardiovascular condition, there are many things that you can do to reduce your risk.   Getting active, reducing your cholesterol intake, managing your blood pressure, and losing weight are all ways to prevent heart conditions.

Myth 3: If you have heart disease, you should avoid consuming all fats.

While it's true that you should avoid saturated, hydrogenated, and trans fats, you shouldn't cut all fat from your diet.   There are many beneficial fats that can actually help your heart.   For instance, consuming omega-3 fatty acids (such as those found in salmon) can actually lower your risk for heart disease. These are some common heart myths explained and disproven.   Are you looking for assistance with your mail delivery or custom courier needs this American Heart Month?   Then turn to the experts at MDS, Inc.   Located in Southern California, we're your custom courier & mail delivery service experts for all your  mail and delivery  needs in the greater Los Angeles, Long Beach, Irvine, Santa Ana, Anaheim, and Orange County.  Contact us  for more information today.