
Check Out These Fun Facts About Carrier Pigeons & Mail Delivery

Sep 15, 2016


Check Out These Fun Facts About Carrier Pigeons & Mail Delivery

Learn about the history of carrier pigeons and mail delivery.

When it comes to your mail, you don't give it much of a second thought as to how it arrived. We take for granted our modern conveniences and efficient mail delivery systems every day. However, mail delivery wasn't always so easy. Historically, mail had to travel long distances by horseback, ship, or even carrier pigeons. These little birds played an influential role in mail deliveries throughout history. Check out these fun facts about how pigeons played a role in mail delivery.

Carrier Pigeons Were Used Throughout History.

Carrier pigeons are nothing new. The earliest record of carrier pigeons dates back to ancient Rome, where they were used to send news of chariot race winners. Additionally, they have been used by Charlemagne, Genghis Khan, and perhaps even the Rothschilds. However, they were particularly influential in Europe when it came to warfare.

Carrier Pigeon Use Took Off During Wartime.

The use of the carrier pigeon in warfare became popular in 1870 during the Siege of Paris. After trying several methods of communications, the bird proved to be effective and efficient. The use of the birds expanded. During World War I, France used more than 30,000 pigeons to deliver information. The French pigeon, Le Vaillant, and American pigeon, Cher Ami, had been influential in their role in the war. Cher Ami's work saved the 77th Infantry Division's €œlost battalion €.

Carrier Pigeons Are Still Used Today.

While they may not be as necessary as they had once been, carrier pigeons are still used today throughout the world to carrier information. As important as carrier pigeons are, you're better off sending your mail the modern way. Enlist the help of the professionals at  MDS, Inc.  to ensure your letter gets to its destination.  Located in Southern California, we're your mail delivery & custom courier service experts for all your  mail and delivery  needs in  Los Angeles and Orange County.  Contact  us for more information.