
Get Healthy This American Heart Month

Feb 21, 2018


Get Healthy This American Heart Month

Prioritize your heart health this month.

February is American Heart Month, a month dedicated to improving your heart health.   As cardiovascular disease is still the leading cause of death in the United States, it's more important than ever to make healthy lifestyle changes for the benefit of your heart.   Take a more vested interest in your heart health by trying out these suggestions. See Your Doctor This month, schedule an appointment with your doctor so you can get a full health check-up.   Ask them to run all the necessary screening tests to get a clear understanding of your overall health.   Once the examination is complete, work with your physician to create your long-term health plan.   Make sure you ask questions or get clarification when you need it.   You should understand the reasoning behind your doctor's recommendations. Do Away with Bad Habits If you are a smoker, you are increasing your chance of developing a serious cardiovascular condition every time you puff on a cigarette.   Additionally, frequent overindulgence in alcoholic beverages can weaken your heart over time.   This February, make an effort to break these bad habits for the sake of your heart. Maintain a Healthy Diet and Exercise Regime Finally, this month is the perfect time to establish healthy habits.   For instance, you should avoid eating fatty, cholesterol-heavy foods.   Instead, load up on heart healthy foods such as fish, nuts, oats, and fresh fruits and veggies.   Additionally, it's important that you are getting enough exercise to keep your heart healthy.   Normally, getting 30 minutes of cardio a day is enough to keep your heart in good condition. This February, try out these tips to prioritize your heart health.   Looking for assistance with your personal shipping needs this month?   Turn to the experts at MDS, Inc.    Located in Southern California, we're your mail delivery & custom courier service experts for all your  mail and delivery  needs in  Los Angeles, Long Beach, Irvine, and Orange County.    Contact  us for more information.