
Send a Letter to Santa With These Easy Steps!

Dec 12, 2016


Send a Letter to Santa With These Easy Steps!

Learn how to help your kids send a letter to Santa!

It's time to celebrate the holidays! Part of the holiday fun is gift giving, especially when it comes to your kids. Get your kids into the holiday spirit with a holiday magic. Have your kids write a letter to Santa Claus and send it off in the mail. Send a letter to Santa to ensure that your child gets a letter in return. Here's what you need to know about how to help your kids send a letter to Santa.

Write a Letter.

Have your child sit down and write a letter to Santa Claus. When they're done writing, place it in an envelope addressed to €œSanta Claus, North Pole €. In addition to your child's letter, enclose a letter that you write to your child €œFrom Santa €.

Address the Letter.

When you send your child's letter off to the €œNorth Pole €, you also must include a return envelope addressed to your child. On the envelope to be sent to your child, list the return address as €œSanta, North Pole € and add the appropriate stamp to the envelope. Take all the components and put them in a larger envelope with the right postage, addressed to €˜North Pole Postmark Postmaster, 4141 Postmark Dr., Anchorage, AK 99530-9998.

Send the Letter Off.

When it comes to sending the letter off to Santa, ensure that you send the letter before December 15. That way the Santa has enough time to send the letters back to your child. Ensure that your kids get their letters to Santa in time. Ensure that your holiday gifts get to your loved ones in time. Enlist the help of the professionals at  MDS, Inc.  to ensure your holiday gifts gets to their destination.  Located in Southern California, we're your mail delivery & custom courier service experts for all your  mail and delivery  needs in  Los Angeles and Orange County.  Contact  us for more information.