
Sleep Better this National Sleep Awareness Week

Mar 14, 2018


Sleep Better this National Sleep Awareness Week

Try out these suggestions to improve your sleep.

This week (March 11th-March 17th) is National Sleep Awareness Week, a weeklong campaign that looks to educate the public about the importance of getting enough sleep.   In honor of this week, make an effort to improve the amount and quality of sleep you are getting nightly.   Here are some tips to help you get better sleep.
  • Set a Regular Sleeping Schedule
One way to get a better night's sleep is by setting the same bedtime and wake up time every day.  This constant schedule helps to regulate your body's internal clock and will get your body ready to sleep as your bedtime draws near.  Not only will this consistency make it easier to fall asleep, but it will help you stay asleep as well.
  • Organize a Relaxing Bedtime Ritual
Another way to help you fall asleep is by developing your own relaxing bedtime routine.  In the hour leading up to your bedtime, try to avoid bright lights and any activities that make you overly excited or anxious.  Feeling calm and serene will make it far easier to fall asleep when the time comes.
  • Avoid Napping
While many people start to feel fatigued around late afternoon, do your best to avoid indulging in a little power nap.  These naps can often throw off your sleep schedule and can make it difficult to fall and stay asleep at night.
  • Evaluate Your Bedroom
Finally, you should make sure that your room is organized in a way that aids sleep.  For instance, your room should be kept cool, between 60 ° and 67 °.  Additionally, your room should be cleared of anything that produces noise or otherwise disrupts your sleep.  Finally, try to eliminate any sources of light in your room when it's time to go to bed.  Lights, even dim ones, can trick you body into thinking that it's day and will naturally make you wake up. Try out these suggestions to get a better night's sleep this National Sleep Awareness Week.  Are you looking for assistance with your personal shipping needs this week?  Then turn to the professionals at MDS, Inc.   Located in Southern California, we're your mail delivery & custom courier service experts for all your  mail and delivery  needs in Los Angeles, Long Beach, Irvine, and Orange County.  Contact us  for more information.