
Your Update On The USPS & Amazon Relationship

Feb 24, 2016


Your Update On The USPS & Amazon Relationship

Same-day deliveries on the rise for USPS since its relationship with Amazon.

Amazon continues to make strides in delivering the best service to their customers. From their proposed drone delivery program  to their same day delivery assurance, the company has come a long way with the help of the United States Postal Service (USPS). The relationship with the USPS  began in 2014 with grocery deliveries being serviced by the postal service in San Francisco and New York. Today, the USPS accounts for nearly 40 percent of Amazon deliveries across the country. The USPS, however, isn't the only one to aid the e-commerce giant. Both UPS and FedEx have also been used to deliver packages, but they each only account for 20 percent of deliveries. The relationship between the USPS and Amazon is symbiotic. Both the service and company are benefitted. It's no secret that the USPS hasn't been fairing well lately, but Amazon is helping. Since the USPS started delivering packages in 2014, their package delivery revenue has increased by 20 percent. Increasing relations with Amazon will continue to help the USPS. In fact, as of the summer of 2015, USPS postmaster general Megan Brennan has pushed to expand what the two can do together. If the USPS were able to ship alcohol, they would be able to significantly expand their package delivery service and increase revenue. The relationship has made big changes to USPS practices. The USPS has started to deliver for Amazon on Sundays, which hasn't been done in the organization's history. Additionally, they have worked together to increase same-day delivery, making customers happy, and keeping up with private mail delivery services such as UPS and FedEx. When you need a package delivered, make sure your packages are in good hands. The professionals at MDS, Inc. can help you with your mail needs and services. Located in Southern California, we're your mail delivery & custom courier service experts for all your  mail and delivery  needs.  Contact  us for more information.