Due to the rapid spread of coronavirus, the medical community recommends people to wash their hands frequently. However, why is washing hands so important and how does it get rid of germs? Let's find out.
Germs can easily spread when you touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands. Shaking hands with another person or touching surfaces also expose you to bacteria and viruses. By not washing hands before meals, you risk letting germs in through food and beverages. For those with a weak immune system, these germs could cause complicated health conditions. Every year, 1.8 million children die from life-threatening diseases like pneumonia and diarrhea because of a lack of proper hand hygiene.
Handwashing is an effective way to get rid of germs. Water can wash away the majority of bacteria in your hands, but adding soap can kill them. Ingredients such as alcohol in soap and disinfectants attack the protein in bacteria to kill them.
Always remember to wash your hands for 20 seconds, at least. Clean the back of your hands and in between your fingers. You must wash your hands, especially:
Handwashing can protect your overall health and keep you free of diseases. At MDS, Inc., we understand the importance of washing hands and ensure germ-free shipping and delivery. Located in Southern California, we're your custom courier & mail delivery service experts for all your mail and delivery needs in Los Angeles, Long Beach, Irvine, and Orange County. Contact us for more information today.